Illustration of Props Teeth Picture Credit: Antara |
"Development of props large teeth which named tootells or “talking teeth” is intendet to at assist the visually impaired people to know more about the importance of oral health," said team coordinator Apriliani Astuti in Yogyakarta on Friday.
According to her, if every part denture material made from waste sawdust is touched, then you will hear an explanation of the parts or diseases of the teeth such as email, dentin, pulp, and hollow teeth about a minute.
"The prop teeth that we made is big and equipped with a touch sensor, once its part is pressed, then you’ll hear a sound," he said.
He said, the goal of making dental spoke originally reserved for the visually impaired people, but it’s possibel too if this props teeth is used as an instructional media for children and adults to know more about oral health.
"These props could be an alternative of an instructional media to study the anatomy of teeth," said the student of Dental Education Program, Faculty of Dentistry ( FKG ) UGM.
According to her, nowadays, the instructional media about teeth could not explain about the anatomy of the tooth to the blind students in detail because the props teeth are made in small size.
Besides that, the automatic description about the parts of the teeth will ease anyone to understand more about teeth.
"Therefore, we deliberately attach sensors and microcontrollers which equipped with speakers in the teeth, " he said.
He told that the speaking props teeth are already introduced to one of the special schools for the visually impaired people in Yogyakarta.
"Many visually impaired students extend a warm welcome the presence of the dental props. Besides enabling them to see more about the parts of the anatomy of the teeth, the students also could know some of the diseases of the teeth , " he said.
The student team members are Isti Noor Masita , Navikatul Ula , Hamzah Assaduddin, and Brisma Meihar Arsandi. ( * )
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