Friday, May 30, 2014

Vision and Mission of Candidates for President and Vice President of Indonesia

Credit Picture: Imam Yunni/Tempo

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Reform of education is one of the main agendas which would be done by two couples of candidates for president and vice president if they win the presidential election on July. Each couple, Prabowo - Hatta Rajasa and Joko Widodo - Jusuf Kalla stated that there should be improvements of education system in this country. 

Jokowi-JK which supported by Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa, Partai Nasional Demokrat dan Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat judges that the implementation of the existing education system does not yet support the purposes of the country to educate the life of the nation. "The state should provide a great education for humanity, " said Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla in its vision and mission. 

Prabowo –Hatta which supported by Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Partai Golkar, Partai Amanat Nasional, dan Partai Bulan Bintang put nine points for education programs include curriculum changes and educational fee discharge. 

Following is the vision and mission of the presidential candidates in the field of education as stated in the documents that have been submitted to the Election Commission. 

Vision and Mission from Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla 
1. Restructuring the national education curriculum with advanced aspects of civic education. 
2. Promoting the educational costs to be affordable for all citizens. 
3. Shall not impose uniformity in education such as removing national exam. 
4. Conducting curriculum which could balance the local and national aspects. 
5. Improving education facilities and infrastructure. 
6. Recruitment and distribution of qualified teaching staff (teachers) equally. 
7. Provide adequate life assurance to teachers in remote areas, provision of functional benefits and insurance administration. 
8. Equality of educational facilities across the region. 
9. Promoting the 12 years Compulsory Education without educational fee and other charges. 
10. Providing high attention to education. 

Vision and Mission from Prabowo-Hatta 
1. Strengthening national character education through the personality of five principles (Pancasila). 
2. Performing reallocation of the increasing efficiency of education expenditure. 
3. Implementing the 12 years Compulsory Education. 
4. Enhancing the dignity and welfare of teachers, lecturers, and education personnel. Sending an allowance for certified and qualified teachers directly to the teacher's account, recruiting 800 thousand teachers for five years, and increasing the average allowance into IDR 4 million per month. 
5. Revising the national curriculum. 
6. Improving the quality and educational facilities massively throughout the school through the allocation of Quality Educational Facilities Improvement Fund (Dana Perbaikan Kualitas Fasilitas Pendidikan, DPKFP) in average of USD 150 million per school. 
7. Providing computers in primary, secondary, and vocational school, giving scholarships and facilitating the new graduates with training. 
8. Providing incentives for the company which hold an internship program. 
9. Developing vocational school. 




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